Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Adams Family's Influence on America

Hey everyone! Sorry about the super late post, I've had a hectic schedule for the past week. I'll try not to forget about any more posts. Hope you enjoy this one!

Adams' Family Influence on America

The Adams family had a large influence on American history. For several generations, from John Adams down to Charles Francis Adams Junior, they all had a large part of building our country. Not all of them were presidents or Congressmen; some were simply journalists or ambassadors. High government positions or not, all of them had a part in shaping our country's history.

John Adams was the first of the Adams family to be mentioned in our country's history. He elected George Washington to be the Head of the Continental Army (such as it was). He was also among the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Once the Revolutionary War ended with Cornwallis surrendering in Charleston, Virginia, he went to England to assist in peace negotiations and help develop the Treaty of Paris. He also served as an American ambassador to several countries. He finished his political career by serving two terms as President of the United States.

Abigail Adams, who was the wife of President John Adams, acted as his trusted adviser throughout their marriage. She pressed for women's rights, as well as more educational opportunities for people. Because she believed that slavery was wrong, she also wrote extremely long letters to influential people, her husband among them, asking that slavery be banned and the slaves be released and treated as normal American citizens.

John Quincy Adams was the son of John and Abigail Adams, and one of several children. He worked as his father's personal secretary while on ambassadorships, and later became an ambassador himself. He served in the Massachusetts senate, and also served as both representative and senator for Massachusetts in the United States Congress. When the War of 1812 was being ended, he helped negotiate the Treaty of Ghent. Later, after Monroe finished his two presidential terms, John Quincy Adams became the sixth president of America for one term.

Charles Francis Adams Senior was the son of President John Quincy Adams. He was the United States minister to England, and served in both the Massachusetts state senate and house of representatives. He also served in Congress both as a representative and as senator for Massachusetts.

Charles Francis Adams Junior was the son of Charles Francis Adams Senior. He served as a soldier on the Union side during the Civil War. After the war, when the transcontinental railroad was being built, he served as a commissioner for the railroad, and later became the president of the railroad board.

Henry Adams was the brother of Charles Francis Adams Junior. He served as his father's private secretary while an ambassador to England. He was a political journalist, and also had the job of editor for one of the most influential journalist newspapers in America at that time. He entertained government officials and foreign visitors, and visited many political figures. Eventually, he retired from politics, having seen enough of it, and settled down to teach history. 
In conclusion, the Adams family has been one of the most influential families in the history of America. For four generations, this family of leaders has been building our country up bit by bit. From presidents and Congressmen, to ambassadors, to journalists and secretaries, the Adams family has been a famous and well-remembered part of our country's history.

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